Embracing One Health
This session is in Italian.
Today, with challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss threatening our planet, the ONE HEALTH approach is more relevant than ever, according to the World Health Organization. This relevance is highlighted in Italy by the growing public interest and the recent establishment of a parliamentary Inter-group and a new Department at the Ministry of Health, dedicated to One Health. In a world that is intrinsically linked, the One Health concept emerges as a beacon of holistic well-being, highlighting the critical relevance of collective efforts in maintaining our planet's health. In this context, schools emerge as places of transformation and hope, where people can be inspired to think creatively and sustainably. According to a survey conducted with students aged 16 to 18, 88% are not aware of One Health projects at school, but almost all of them (90%) believe that their school should be concerned about the interconnection between the health of humans, animals, plants, and the environment.
In this session, moderated by Cristina Cenci from Eikon Strategic Consulting Italia Società Benefit, attendees will learn about the interconnections between human, animal, plant, and environmental health (One Health), as representatives from institutions and the third sector will address key questions: What stakeholders should be involved? Why is prevention crucial, and how can it be promoted? Where should we commence, and what strategies should be implemented?
Cristina Cenci, Founder, DNM-Digital Narrative Medicine
Sonia Carisi, General Director, Fondazione IncontraDonna
Antonella Celano, President, APMARR
Carla Collicelli, Senior expert, ASviS
Goffredo Freddi, Director, MSD Italy's Foundation
Lorenzo Micheli, Founder, CAMPOBASE
Alberta Spreafico, MD Digital Health & Innovation, Healthware Group