tony estrella

Tony Estrella

Author, Strategic Futurist, and Business Builder | Managing Director, aEQ (Advancing Equity in Health) | Senior Advisor, European Policy Centre

Antonio (Tony) Estrella is an author, strategic futurist, and business builder focusing globally on Health Innovation, Public Policy, and Health Equity. He has delivered keynote talks, conducted interviews, and presented to audiences across the US, Europe, and Asia by numerous organisations including the BBC, the UN Conference on Trade and Development, the European Policy Centre, and the Singapore Writers Festival. He is writing a non-fiction book on the mindset shift from the private sector to address health disparities and improve Health Equity. 

Through organisations including Taliossa, Advancing Equity in Health Innovation Lab, and Verge HealthTech Fund, Antonio guides healthcare organisations to adapt to AI and Big Data. He is also a Senior Adviser on Healthcare Data and Technologies for the European Policy Centre. Previously, Tony led health innovation for MetLife Asia, worked at Pfizer, and held numerous roles across many startups, including as a founder, independent board director, and CEO coach.